What Will the New EU Regulations Regarding Bio Fires Change?
The manufacturers of bio ethanol fireplaces will be expected to take greater care in inspecting their production as well as labelling the products themselves and making sure that the instructions manual provides all the necessary safety precautions. At present, the lack of regulation is leaving a lot of these things completely at the manufacturer’s discretion, so you may often find that very cheap and mass-produced products do not call for the much needed care and attention when using the fireplaces or burners. When buying fires from an unknown source, it is often impossible to get in touch with the sellers in case you have any concerns. Do make sure that you buy your fireplace from a reputable company which provides some aftercare and is easily contactable during working hours.
The costs of testing and certification for bio ethanol fireplaces – as for any other products – is very expensive, so as a result of the new EU regulations regarding liquid fuel fireplaces you may observe that the prices of fires will go up quite significantly. Before the EU regulations will become a part of national legislation in the UK, there may be quite a lot of concerns and doubts and confusion regarding bio fuel fireplaces. We may also expect some sensational stories about accidents and supposed dangers of using bio fires. We are sure that tabloids and online media will not miss an opportunity to turn any genuine accident into a drama. Watch out for this and do not let the media deprive you of your own common sense and well-informed opinions.
Of course, bio fires are real fires, if you put your hand in the flame – it will burn you, if you place a tabletop burner next to the net curtain on your windowsill – it will cause a fire and this could be very dangerous, similarly to a situation of causing life threatening danger if you smoke a cigarette while filling your car with petrol. There are numerous dangerous items in our everyday life and as long as we use them according to the instructions and with common sense – no problems occur. Accidents resulting from the end user’s negligence or lack of consideration are bound to happen with nearly all electrical and most mechanical devices which we use in our daily life.
What the EU regulations are aiming to change is to limit the situation where accidents are happening due to lack of customer information and simple precautions – like graphic emblems on the actual fireplace. We are in the business of bringing a cosy flame into our customers’ households and, as such, it is in our highest interest to support and work with any official body enhancing the safety of bio ethanol fireplaces and – as a result – creating a pleasant, fear-free experience for our buyers.